Legal, Imprint


inhive Group (Switzerland) AG
Schneidergasse 1
4051 Basel
Company name inhive Group (Switzerland) AG
Trade register number CHE-187.992.693 
Trade register Basel, Basel-Stadt, Switzerland 
VAT number CHE-187.992.693 MWST

Authorized Representatives

Christian Strauch

Chairman of the Board

Roland Stoffel

Member of the Board, Finances

Limited Liability

The author accepts no liability for the correctness, accuracy, timeliness, reliability or completeness of the information. Liability claims against the author of material or immaterial nature, due to access to, the use or non-use of the information published, through misuse of the connection or technical faults will be excluded. All offers are non-binding. The author explicitly reserves the right to change parts or all of the offer without separate announcement. The author reserves the right to supplement or delete the publication temporarily or permanently.

Data Protection

Based on Article 13 of the Swiss Federal Constitution and the data protection regulations of the Federation (Data Protection Act, DSG) everyone has the right to privacy and to protection from misuse of their personal data. We are committed to these provisions. Personal data will be kept strictly confidential and will not be sold or passed on. We do our best to protect our servers against unauthorized access, counterfeiting, loss or misuse of data. We save the following data in log files when accessing the web site: IP-address, date, time, browser request, submitted information about operating system and browser. These data are the basis for statistical and anonymous analytics so we can detect trends and improve our services.